Hi! I’m Alexis Kaloyanides.
I’m a mother of two, a small business owner, a non-profit board member, and a community activist & organizer running for District 30 Community Education Council.

What is a Community Education Council (CEC)?

Education Councils help shape policies and priorities for New York City Public Schools (NYCPS). By law, each council has powers and duties concerning a range of matters, including working directly with district superintendents, reviewing educational programs, approving school zoning lines, and making recommendations to improve services to NYCPS students.

The whole world lives & learns in Queens.

Our diversity is our strength here in the World’s Borough. We need to ensure that our community schools reflect their student bodies’ needs by providing inclusive, safe, and equitable education opportunities for students with disabilities, immigrants & English-language learners, LGBTQIA+ students, BIPOC students, unhoused students, and any other marginalized student community. I will work to empower all students to celebrate their families, national origin & culture(s), gender identity, sexual orientation, and any other attribute that makes them unique.

Quality education,
close to home.

Both education and childcare are in crisis in our city, thanks in no small part to a Mayor who has deprioritized the needs of our city’s children and working families. I hope to serve on the District 30 CEC because I believe that every child should be guaranteed a safe, supportive, and challenging academic environment right in their home neighborhood. No matter your ZIP code, high quality education must be accessible and close to home.

As a parent who has been thrust into the confusing world of Early Intervention (EI) and Committee on Preschool Special Education (CPSE) evaluations and services for one of my children, I understand the complexities in navigating these systems. Our NYC Department of Education is often a confusing bureaucracy and it is vital that we parent advocates push to make it more transparent and understandable for all families. As a longtime community activist and organizer, I will not shy away from holding the DOE accountable when it is not serving our children.

Fighting for your family.